
Boomerang UFO at Moon. On June 4 1969 a huge boomerang shaped object was photographed orbiting the moon by a member of the Ballarat ( Victoria ) Astronomical Society. The object cast a shadow on the moons surface and was estimated to have been at least 500km long. The object seemed to radiate light, suggesting a metallic mirror-like surface. Author Richard Tambling mentiond this object in his book " Flying Saucers - Where Do They Come From ? " ( Horwitz, 1978 ) A second member of the Ballarat Astronomical Society, independently took two photoes of the same object, surrounded by a haze. It is said that Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong had filmed the alien craft while near the moon, but the footage was labelled " top - secret ". Support varifying the incident was later recieved from Moscow. In 1975, Soviet space program director Dr. Vladimir Azhaza said, " I am convinced Armstrong and Aldrin did see alien ships and that NASA censored the incident.

US sighting.

January 1981, a boomerang shaped craft was observed over the Morenci copper smelting plant, Arazona US. Four workers at the plant say that a " massive spacecraft " swooped down and shone a beam on them. Described as large as " four football fields " and with 12 small red lights on the edges, and a searchlight in the centre which shone down into the smokestack. The object was also seen by 100 marching band members 2 km away. Director Bruce Smith said, " It was V-shaped and hovering, the biggest aircraft I've ever seen."

Broome ( Western Australia ) Sighting.

August 8, 1992 at about 8:30 PM. Two identical and related " crescent-shaped " objects travelling horizontally in a N.NE. direction making a droning noise and trailing a " frosty " vapour trail were independently reported to the Bureau of Meteorology in Broome.

Two workers at the Willie Creek Pearl Farm observed one of the huge objects and said, " This is the first time we have come against something we just can't explain." " We were watching it for a full minute before it went out of sight. It was a quarter-moon shape and illuminated by light. The shape was not flat, it was standing on it's side, with vapour trails from each point. It was about 1500 to 2000 feet up. ( 500 - 600 metres )." We could hear this high pitched droning noise, but not loud over the noise of our generator."

They also reported the sighting to the Perth Observatory, who were anable to explain the sighting.

Day-time UFO Sighting.

Saturday August 5, 1992. While investigating the crescent shaped object, I received three reports of a round white light with light coming from the back of it, going South to North over Broome. Witnesses, one a four year old girl who brought the bright object to her mothers attention, and a group of Aboriginals at One Mile Reserve, and a Policeman.

More Boomerang shaped Objects Seen.

( Reported in the " Boab Babbler " Vol 11 No.15. Friday 21 August 1992).
A large number of Derby ( W.A.) citizens sighted a UFO on Saturday night 8th August just after 8 PM. ( Ten witnesses reported what they had seen, here is an overview of their statements. Ed. )

Rod Sanders - Airline Manager. " I noticed an unusual crescent cloud shape travelling north faster than any jet I have ever seen. It was grey underneath and appeared to be glowing above. There was no noise. It was a UFO. It was hard to estimate the height and speed of the object because I did not know it's size."

Vincent Bear - Student. " It was like a smooth Boomerang. I could see it clearly. It was glowing and moving fast then it just disappeared."

Barbara Stott. R.F.D.S. " It was a clear cloudless night. The object appeared above the southern end of the jetty, I was looking up at about 45 degrees at it. It was a defused white shape like the outline of a Stealth Bomber. It emitted a faint glow. The whole thing lasted about 2 minutes. I estimate it to be at an altitude of 4,000 feet ( 1200 metres ) but if it was huge it could have been 100,000 feet ( 30,000 metres ). It did not disappear over the horizon, it just went up and vanished."

Peter Schmidt. " It was crescent shaped with an eerie glow like a neon tube. It was like a Boomerang with the point heading north."

Pat D'Cruz - School Teacher. " I saw a semi-circular shape of orange semi-transparent light moving at a controlled speed. It was not high at all, about 700 metres ( 2000 feet ). At full arms distance it was about 6 inches ( 150 mm) wide. Others had seen the same object off 80 Mile Beach on the same night at around 8.10 PM travelling north. From what I can work out this thing must have been pritty big, very high ( 100 kms or more ( 60 miles )) and travelling mighty fast, to be seen at 80 Mile Beach to Cone Bay at the same time."

Clinton Ishiguchi, Student. " I saw this thin semi-circular shape coming up from the south. It was glowing green. It slowly faded than vanished completely."

Bobby Buckle, Derby Garage. " I saw this semi-circular object. There seemed to be an orange glow at the front of the object and diffused white light coming from behind. I think it was about 2,000 feet ( 600 metres ) in altitude."

Fiona Buckle, Student. " At full arms length the object would have been the size of half a football. It was pretty big whatever it was."

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